Sunday, November 7, 2010

AN Angel :D

Konbawa! It's your Anime Nisa speaking, well typing :PP

Have you heard this haunted cursed picture called "Aisyah Masih Hidup"? I saw her picture with my friends Pijah and Salina. She (Aisyah)  was SCARY! The next day I had a fever D: but I didn't had nightmares.. sia sia saja aku tungkal *kwang kwang kwang*

Anyways I feel sorry for her. May her soul be in peace. So forget about Aisyah, lets begin what I wanted to say in the beginning. There are gonna be some admins.. (I call them admins) one of them is me. We'll be posting all the way! I'll post animes and and a bunch of videos what can I say I'm an Otaku. I dunno what the rest are posting tho.. don't ask me =.=

This is the picture that cheered my day~

I got this on google. Google is really easy to use rather than Yahoo =.= ..This kid is Japanese not Korean :D I can't help that she looks like 
Ju-On's child (laughs)

That's all from me :D sayonara-minna san

follow me on Facebook! *nda ehhh* :PP

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